When you have a website even just a small website like a blog, you are really have a powerful source of income, but that's happen if your website content always up-to-date and It's important to keep both search engines and visitors supplied with new content and information. Just like regular maintenance on your car, you need to make changes on your website every few days/weeks/months to make sure that the contents are up-to-date.
If you do this, your visitors will be drawn back to your site to find out "what's new" on your site, the search engines will also pay visits on your site, they will visit your site in regular basis, if they visit your website in several times but don't find anything's new,the search engine may decide not to come back which can be destroy your search engine rankings.
Once you've decided to update your site, the next thing is how to do that? here are some steps you can do to update your site:
1. Test and validate all of web links, to make sure if they still work.
2. Write new article. Writing articles is a good to keep your website up-to-date and to put more content on your site. Search engines love content-rich sites, and visitors will love to see the new information.
3. Change the site design/look. There are some tools that you can use to make changes to your site yourself. You can use an easy-to-use tool called Macromedia Contribute. Its simple to set up and learn, and it allows you to back up your older design of your site if you make mistakes. If you can't do this, ask a professional to do It for you.
By updating more and more current information into your website, you will also begin to build trust with your visitor which can lead your website to success.
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