Jun 19, 2010

Domain Name Forwarding And Masking Tips

Are you just plain fed up with your current domain name? The world of business is full of decision making. The decision made today becomes tomorrow success or failures. There are some decisions once made they become final. There will be no option for amending them hence the business has to live with them.

Once a decision is made to register a website name, and indeed it's registered it becomes final. I mean once it's registered there will be no option for changing it. Your website has to live with it.

Choosing a website name is the challenge facing many e-commerce starters. They register a name but later on they realize that it is impossible to execute new projects on their websites using it. Again, they find it lacking almost all good qualities that it is supposed to possess. This will eventually lead to lack of traffic that is required to propel their websites.

If you are on this situation do you go ahead and register a new website name and transfer pages from your old website to a new one? Nope, it is already too late. Your old website name has already live pages on the World Wide Web.

If you transfer the pages, search engines will declare a bad verdict against your website. They will penalize your new website on the grounds of content duplication and plagiarism. So, what do you do to overcome this stress? The good news is that domain name forwarding is the only option available for you. So, what is this domain name forwarding? Well, allow me to explain it using a mobile phone as an example.

I don't know anything about your country's mobile phone options, but I will tell you about one option available in our country's mobile phones. Our mobile phones have an option of redirecting calls to another number. If I select this option in my phone, all my incoming calls will be directed to another number of my own choice.

This is the same way you can get rid of your bad website name. Forwarding is a situation where surfers click a certain domain and they will be directed to another one. Their browser address bar will show the forwarded domain name. This tells them that they have been actually forwarded to another website.

Forwarding is not the same as domain name masking also termed as cloaking. In masking, the browser address bar will not show the forwarded domain. Surfers won't know that they have been directed to another website. Redirecting is the smartest strategy of improving the performance of your website. You can buy a good quality expired name and redirect it to your existing website. By doing this you will acquire the traffic of that expired name.

Again you can register the same name with different types of extensions and redirect them to your website. This secures you from the competition if another person registers your website name using a different type of extension apart from the one you are currently using.

Now that you have got this fact, why don't you implement it to reap its benefits?

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