Aug 30, 2010

How to Open Disabled Run Dialog and Regedit Using Notepad

Run Dialog and Regedit disabled? or Virus prevent you from accessing Task Manager, Control Panel and Run Command, Here is the solution.

Opening Run Dialog

Open Notepad and paste this code

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Var_YN = MsgBox("Enable Run Dialog?", vbYesNo, "I-T[e]ChNoLoGy Corp Ltd")
If Var_YN = 6 Then


Var_Ok = MsgBox("Run Dialog is Disabled!", vbOkOnly, "I-T[e]ChNoLoGy Corp Ltd")

End If

save with vbs extension (e.g Run.vbs) then run this file

Opening Regedit

Open Notepad and paste this code

Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Var_YN = MsgBox("Enable Registry Editor?", vbYesNo, "I-T[e]ChNoLoGy Corp Ltd")
If Var_YN = 6 Then


Var_Ok = MsgBox("Registry Editor is Disabled!", vbOkOnly, "I-T[e]ChNoLoGy Corp Ltd")

End If

save it with vbs extension (e.g Regedit.vbs) then run this file.

That's it. Sometimes some AntiVirus block this script and suspect it as malcode, in this case you need to turn off your AntiVirus for a while.

1 comment:

  1. The information that you provided was thorough and helpful. I will have to share your article with others
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